Monday, February 23, 2009

Real Men

(Let me just preface this note with saying that I am NOT in any way speaking about my own husband Eric. In fact, I am quite lucky.)

Over this past month I've come across quite a few men that in conversation have seemingly done their darnest to show to me their "tough side". They fit everything stereotypical of what THEY BELIEVED a REAL MAN was....and seemed quite proud of it. At first I found myself unimpressed, then angry.

Here is what my simple 3-step definition of a REAL MAN is:

1. A real man honors his wife. She should never for a second doubt that she is loved and valued.

2. A real man takes care of his children. Not only from the financial sense, but help them grow into their strength as human beings.

3. A real man praises God for his successes and prays for guidance throughout tough times.



Anonymous said... at April 15, 2009 at 12:56 PM

Three beautiful rules for life. :)