Thursday, January 8, 2009

Boot Scooting Lady

Okay....Tuesday night Eric and I went to THE CADILLAC RANCH, a cowboy bar in Elgin, IL. Eric apparently went there in his single days to listen to music, enjoy the beer specials, and pick up a dance or two. The idea of going to a country bar dancing on a Tuesday night fascinated me for no other reason than this would be one of the last things on earth I would think to do.

I'm taking a chance. I'm doing something different. Seems Eric is always doing what I want and now it's time for me to "pony up". I must admit, up until this point I was absolutely LOVING the fact that he had joined my life and all it's activities. The perfect accessory.

I'm not sure I'm a person who likes change. I'm trying. Because of Eric I have a scuba license now. I've climbed to the highest point in the Smokey Mountains. I've caught a Walleye and I've Karaoked in public. Now I'm about to learn how to 2 step.....

So here I am, in my sexy purple cowgirl boots I bought 2 years ago on a wimp and have worn only once before. I have a feeling by the effort it took to put them on that taking them off is not going to be the slightest bit of fun. Walking into the place was actually quite awesome. EVERY AGE was represented. I saw the most adorable 25 year old couples dancing right alongside 85 year old couples. Everything in between. And everyone was good....damn good.

I felt this enormous desire to do well. I was setting myself up for failure.

Eric knew a few things and tried to teach me. After a little while of struggling, nice couples would come up and show us things. People who have come to The Cadillac Ranch to dance every Tuesday night for years. Eric mentioned it had been over 3 years since he had been there himself, but he remembered quite a few of the faces. They were all friendly, happy and fun. Most people seemed to know each other. Every Tuesday night was a reunion.

I tried. I tried hard. I put every once of enthusiasm into it. I didn't want to let Eric down, and I didn't want to let these people down. I felt warmly invited into a club and I had no intention of wearing out my welcome on the first day. I smiled, I paid close attention, I listened intently to everyone who approached me with advice and guidance. I sucked. Nobody cared. I was grateful.

By the end of the night, I didn't suck as bad. Eric and I had the 2 step down and another dance that was similar. It went: Right, Left, Right...walk...walk....repeat. Something like that.

It seems important to Eric that we give this a go. A regular Tuesday night "date night". Who knows? Maybe I'll even get good at it.


Natalie said... at January 13, 2009 at 12:01 PM

Nice work.

I'll always remember my first day at Second City when the administrator lady said "You are an improviser. You are now officially interested in EVERYTHING."

Aside from that experience being totally useful on stage, sounds like good marriage times.

matty & kris said... at January 18, 2009 at 5:05 PM

i LOVE your header! you're fabulous!!