Tuesday, December 30, 2008


So, for a woman who spent much of this 2008 praying for a husband away serving in Iraq, I'm glad as hell this year is over. Glad as hell. I remember long training runs back in July along the Chicago lakefront thinking to myself how I couldn't wait for snow to be on the ground and Eric to be home safe. Now, marathon medal hanging in the next room and my husband safely sitting on the sofa next to me, I look to God and to the calendar and ponder what is next.

A long-time tradition that I've kept with myself as each new year approaches is to pray for a hint as to what this new year brings me. How to best approach it. I have to be patient and listen, but eventually God lets me know. He always keeps it to just a few words but they ring as strong and true as a church bell. And they are never wrong.

In 2006, God's answer to how would the year would be was that challenges would be faced easily and achievements would be great. They truly were. I had met Eric in the fall of 2005 and we easily feel in love and in rhythm with one another in the new year. I was on the best improv team I'd ever experienced (The Washington Generals at iO, and began my sketch comedy show GIRLY. My job was going strong and I never got so much as a sniffle. In 2007, he told me things would simply be maintained. No growth but no fallbacks. Right again.

For 2008, with my husband in Iraq and the future seemingly scary, God whispered in my frightened ear that I was due for a year that would "grow" me. I would realize more about my strength and grow more into the woman I am destined to become. Looking back, what I went through as an individual woman, wife and American - and all that means, etc., etc. He was correct again. I never wish to relive this year, yet I'm grateful for every tear and every triumph.

Now we are on the cusp of beginning 2009. The word God is giving me is "build". Build on what I learned from 2008. Don't forget an ounce of every experience from 2008 and use it to continue the path God has intended for me.

Today I pulled four gray hairs out of my head. I used to pull only one. So put away my tweezers and made a hair appointment with Susan at ULTA. No use crying about it. Seems I've traded gray hairs for not caring as much what people think. I can always color the hairs. Last year I woke up every morning and realized that I could lose everything. In truth, all of us could lose everything at anytime. I was just not able to ignore it. God reminded me and I'm stronger for it. So I'm "building" on the Leslie Link (Leslie Mitchell) that survived 2008.

I like her.....she's cool. I look forward to seeing how this all turns out.

My best to you all in 2009
