Monday, June 28, 2010

The Dream....and the House

There's only one passage from the Bible that I know by heart: Jeremiah 29:11

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

There is even a plague of it in my home. A small blue and gold inscription set within a frame of dark walnut wood. Given to me nearly 10 years ago by a former next door neighbor wise beyond his years. He looked at me, and somehow he knew.

He knew that I was the type of person that if given a novel of my own life, I would indeed skip through everything like a tornado to get to the final pages, hoping for the happy ending.

In my running training, coach would constantly hound us all to keep a training log. The idea is that during those final tapering weeks, as your mileage drastically decreases as your body rests and the day of the marathon grows closer, you can look at this log and see how many miles you ran. You can witness every entry and know you did the work.

It's hard to have a log book for life. You're "doing the work" all the time unknowingly. So I have this plague, this scripture to repeat over and over in my head when I just can seem to see my life as clearly as I'd like. And for me, the times that are the most scary aren't when I can't see anything, it's when I can and do not know what it means.

Eric and I are going to buy a house. Soon. Before the year is out. I know what it looks like. I know that the trees are old and that the front door is elegant. The kitchen is the heart of our home and it's warm. I see it....but I don't know if it exists. I'm nervous that it doesn't. That is when I hear that scripture. When I run it over and over to calm me. God hasn't let me down yet. He showed me in a similar way when Eric was coming. I knew exactly what he looked like. His black hair, his hands, his honor of character.

Now, God is showing me my house. It's beautiful and warm, full of character. It's us. Now I just gotta find it.